Frequently Asked Questions

  • What size dumpsters are available?

    We have two dumpster types, they are:

    1. 10 yard dumpster ( Dimensions are 12x8x4 )
    2. 15 yard dumpster ( Dimensions are 12x8x5 )
  • Can you deliver a dumpster if I am not at home or on site?

    Yes. Just give us advance notice of where the dumpster must be placed.

  • When do I pay for my dumpster?

    The rental fee will be processed to your credit/debit card prior to delivery. Secondary Charges will be processed to the original method of payment if extra days are used, the weight limit is exceeded, the material in the dumpster exceeds the top of the wall edge, there are banned items loaded in the dumpster or if other additional services apply or are selected.

  • What can’t I put in my dumpster?

    Hazardous Waste or Liquid Waste: Paint, gasoline, oil, solvents, chemicals, household cleaners, fire extinguishers, batteries, propane tanks / compressed gas cylinders, fluorescent lights /tubes and CFL bulbs.

    Hazardous Materials or Any Type of Toxic Waste:  Asbestos or Asbestos containing materials. Mercury containing items or poisons.

    Other Items:  Sealed drums and oil tanks.

    Garbage and Foodstuffs:  NO household garbage or foodstuffs.

    Masonry:  Asphalt, concrete, block, brick, rubble, stone, sand or dirt.***

    Yard Waste: Brush, trees, branches, leaves, grass, shrubs, clippings, mulch, or other organic materials.***

  • Do you charge extra for any items (surcharges)?

    Yes. Certain items have disposal facility surcharges and we must charge extra for these items. These include Appliances, Freon items: Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers, Water Cooler, etc… , Mattress or Box Spring, Television or Computer Monitor, Tire: Automobile, Motorcycle, Trailer or Truck, Water Heater or Water Tank.

  • Can I move my dumpster?

    No! Any damage done will be the user’s responsibility. Call Quick & Easy Roll-Off Dumpster Service, for a reasonable fee; we will move the dumpster.

  • How high can I load my dumpster?

    Please only load to the top of the wall edge.  If overloading occurs additional charges will be assessed. If unsafe, the dumpster will be unloaded to a safe level.

  • When you pick up the dumpster, will the driver load items that are left next to the dumpster?

    No, we only take the dumpster. The driver does not load any items that are leaning, next to or around the dumpster. The driver has no idea if they are meant to be kept or thrown away. Please load your dumpster completely before pick up day.

  • Dumpster Drop Site Disclaimer?

    Customer warrants that any access/location provided for contractors equipment is sufficient to bear the weight of all equipment and vehicles required to perform the service. Contractor shall not be responsible for damage to any private pavement or accompanying sub-surface or any route reasonable necessary to perform the services herin contracted. In addition contractor shall not be responsible for damage to lawns, fences or shrubbery. Customer assumes all liabilities for damage to pavement or road surface, lawns, fences and shrubbery.

    Due to the uncertain soil conditions and sub surface terrain, Quick & Easy Roll-Off Dumpster Service cannot be held responsible for any damage to customer’s driveways, curbs, lawns, walks, wells or septic systems. It is the customer’s responsibility to make Quick & Easy Roll-Off Dumpster Service aware of any underground utilities which might be affected by taking delivery of the container.

  • Do you accept credit and debit cards?

    So while clutter happens, Quick & Easy Roll-Off Dumpster Service can help you to get rid of it. Our team is always readily available to answer your questions. We will help you better understand the process and logistics behind renting a dumpster. We are easily accessible and you can contact us by phone for quick answers. Decluttering is just a phone call away!

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